Progressive Black elastics

The new PROGRESSIVE BLACK elastics by CETMA COMPOSITES are made in Italy from materials of the highest quality and purity, and are designed to complete the range of elastics for Arbalete.
Unlike MAGNUM, the new PROGRESSIVE BLACKs have a decidedly progressive behaviour, and are ideal for fitting traditional single, single and double circular elastic crossbows.
In this case, a single layer of rubber with additives is used, so as to guarantee a gradual deformation recovery behaviour, typical of a progressive elastic.PROGRESSIVE BLACKs perform very well at different elongation factors: the table shows the forces developed for different elongation factors; this data is useful for setting up your speargun.

ø14mm € 20.00/meter
ø16.5mm € 22.00/meter


Black Progressive Elastics

20,00 22,00 

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